whatever happened to 'just the facts mam';
Perhaps part of the reason the leftist media, specifically Washington Post, Politico, New York Times, Wall Street Journal (editorial pages) and CNN go bananas in their defense of the FBI silo, is because for the past decade they have collaborated so closely, even winning Pulitzer prizes together for their efforts on the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy.
Seriously, it’s no longer a matter of journalists reporting on FBI activity. In this era, we see FBI embeds in the role of journalists transcribing dictation directly from within the machinery of the silo itself. The publications are vessels, messaging boards for FBI narrative engineer outputs. Here’s the latest demonstration.
Adam Goldman and Devlin Barrett, two of the original stenographers for the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory, are now pushing an article using ONE anonymous FBI source who claims to have been told to resign, as representative of thousands of FBI top officials around the country being terminated. [We could be so lucky]........more......
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