Friday, February 2, 2024

 a second larry johnson presentation that explores the idea of what's good for the goose is good for the gander;

As I write this the Biden Administration has not produced evidence that the attack on the U.S. base in Jordan was carried out with the help of Iran. Despite that lack of evidence, the usual suspects in Washington are braying at full voice for the United States to strike Iran. This is one of the key rules of the “rules based international order (aka RBIO). If you provide the weapons to a third party that attacks me then you also are culpable for that crime. Do we all agree?

Well, if it is good for the goose then it must be good for the gander. The United States supplied Patriot Missiles to Ukraine and Ukraine used those missiles to attack and destroy a Russian aircraft ferrying Ukrainian prisoners of war to a site for a prisoner exchange. If it is okay for the U.S. to attack Iran and extract some measure of revenge, then it follows that Russia is entitled by the same principle to attack the United States. Are we still on the same page?

Aiding and abetting is a crime.

Aiding and abetting is a legal doctrine related to the guilt of someone who aids or abets (encourages, incites) another person in the commission of a crime (or in another’s suicide). It exists in a number of different countries and generally allows a court to pronounce someone guilty for aiding and abetting in a crime even if he or she is not the principal offender. The words aiding, abetting and accessory are closely used but have differences. While aiding means providing support or assistance to someone, abetting means encouraging someone else to commit a crime. Accessory is someone who in fact assists “commission of a crime committed primarily by someone else”.

Despite initial tough talk and belligerent threats against Iran, there are credible reports that the Biden Administration, at least some in the decision making circle, realize that attacking Iran directly will lead to an expanded war that the United States is not prepared to fight and cannot win. Emily Tanker at Yahoo News reports:.........more.......

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