Thursday, February 22, 2024

 larry johnson speaks about the hypocrisies of the empire;

Vladimir Putin and Russia are facing withering Western criticism and threats following the death of a Russian political dissident, Alexey Nalvani, and the arrest of dual Russia/American citizens Ksenia Karelin, a ballerina. Silly Putin. He apparently has failed to grasp that all he has to do is declare these folks MAGA supporters and then he can do what he wants to them and the West will cheer him on.

Okay. Enough sarcasm. Let’s deal with the reality. Alexey Nalvani was considered the leading Russian political dissident by Western pundits and politicians, but at home he was a nobody. Hell, Marianne Williamson has more support in the United States than Nalvani had in Russia. Nalvani’s only “political” message was to hurl accusations at Putin as a corrupt enabler of oligarchs. Nalvani offered no political vision. His social media accounts rarely delved into political philosophy nor did he offer a vision of something along the lines, Make Russia Great Again.

When Nalvani did take time to record his political views using a video platform, his message was shocking and disquieting. He described Muslims — all, not just some — as cockroaches that needed to be exterminated. Think about that for a moment and ask yourself, “What the hell are the Western politicians who are heaping praise on Nalvani thinking?” I thought all of these wokesters are supposed to be against racists. Yet, here they are mourning the death of an ultra-Russian nationalist who enthusiastically embraced the most vile racist beliefs. Not the first time that Joe Biden has lamented the passing of a racist — remember his remarks about the late Senator Robert Byrd, the former head of the Ku Klux Klan in West Virginia?

Take time to read Scott Ritter’s excellent piece describing the realy Alexey Nalvani. You can find it here. Nalvani, in short, was a tool of Western intelligence. I do not know if he was witting or unwitting, but he served Western interests eager to see Russia dismantled and Putin destroyed...........more.......

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