Sunday, July 30, 2023

 mr peters presents some questions and history on the mask game;

Will Face Diapers be a part of the scene forever? Probably – for while most people have stopped wearing them because they’re no longer forced to wear them, many of them probably would wear them again.

Because many of them still believe they “work” – notwithstanding the fact that they don’t. At least, if “work” means they prevent the spread of respiratory viruses.

It is important to always harp on this. To insist that “work” be defined – and substantiated – for that is how we put “masks” behind us, forever.

The reason so many people wore “masks” – and many still do – is because they were told they “work” – and that is a very different thing. People’s submission was based on their believing. On not questioning assertions. These assertions were allowed to take the place of facts. It did not occur to many people to demand the latter as a condition of acceding to “masking.”

It had damned well better occur to them – or it will happen to us.


And not merely with regard to “masks.” They have been put on the back burner – for the moment – while assertions about the “climate crisis” have taken their place. Probably because assertions about the “virus” have gotten old......more......

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