Wednesday, May 31, 2023

 as dave chappelle said in his famous saturday night monologue; never mention their name. the joos are the center of lots of controversies but we're expected to believe that just because there's smoke, we shouldn't anticipate fire. this exploration does some 'clearing up' on said subject;

Back in 2010, I published a short essay on “The Complicated Faces of Anti-Semitism”. The genesis was a conversation I had had with a Jewish friend – a judge – about why Jews had been the object of so much maltreatment and hatred throughout history, as she characterized the Jewish condition.

I responded (to briefly recapitulate) by asking her what was wrong with Jews? (I had never mentioned that I was Jewish on my father’s side, because that had never meant much to either him or me.) My question startled her, and she asked just what did I mean by that statement. So I proceeded to put it in personal terms. If a few people I met disliked me, I could easily put it down to some problem they had. But if virtually everyone I met hated my guts, it would be extremely difficult for me not to acknowledge – grudgingly or otherwise – that there was something fundamentally wrong with me or with how I behaved. Same thing applied to Jews on a macro level.

As you can imagine, that assessment did not exactly endear me to my soon-to-be-former friend. I compounded it by adding that Jews had done many charitable works and made many notable achievements in many different fields – spare me the hackneyed “but all Jews are…” nonsense. Those charities and achievements are a matter of historical record.

So are the darker things that some Jews have done, and are doing today, here and abroad. This is especially true whenever Israel or anything associated with it enters the equation: those good qualities mostly then fly out the window. On such occasions, most Jews not only tolerate but extol behavior by Israel as a country and by individual Israelis – behavior that they would never tolerate or celebrate here, or in any other country where Jews reside.

My Original Three Faces of Antisemitism

When I initially examined this topic, I identified three forms of historical antisemitism:.....more......

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