Thursday, February 23, 2023

mr peters speaks about the empire, ukraine and the coming larger war;


Remember when the Left opposed war? That was also back in the days when the Left supported Free Speech and Choice (but only when it comes to abortion; otherwise, it’s not your body, apparently – and it is the government’s choice what you do with it).

Now we have the Egg On Chorus, led by the personally pusillanimous but rhetorically Napoleonic Lindsey Graham, a Republican, who urges that Russian President Vladimir Putin be indicted, tried and convicted for war crimes a la Nuremburg – the penalty for which is death – something that would never induce Putin to go for broke in Keeeeeeeeeeeev by sending missiles to DC.

“You label Putin’s Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism [and] you create international tribunals so we actually can try [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and his cronies in the international court like we did after World War II,” he declared the other day. 

He also suggested that America send F-16 fighter jets to Keeeeeeeeeev – which, from the Russians’ point-of-view, would be regarded as exactly the same thing as it is from the U.S. point-of-view, when it is done by any other country egging on an enemy of this country and giving that country the means to attack this country.

But, never mind. Putin Bad! Zelensky good!.......more.......

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