Monday, August 8, 2022

 does posting this make me racist;

Just a week ago, I completed my first year as a teacher at an inner city high school. It wasn’t my choice to wind up in this school, it was that my university assigned me to it. You know what the latest fads are within the realm of pedagogical theory, and the administrative staff at my institution were devout believers in all of these panaceas: Restorative Justice, Positive Behavioral Instructional Supports, Institutionalized Racism, Ending the School to Prison Pipeline, etc. All of these concepts and teaching methods were preached by the administrative staff as if they were manna from heaven that would miraculously cure all that ails the world.

The evidence did not bear this out. While teaching at this school, an average day would unfold a little like this. Upon my arrival, the students would all be eating their taxpayer funded breakfast and I would head towards my classroom. At the ringing of the bell, my class would remain empty for quite a while. Arriving to class on time was not a priority for my students, and the administrative staff did not care. So, I would wait for maybe five minutes and the first of my students would begin to trickle in. This, by no means, meant that class would begin. Often, the students would arrive with their earbuds firmly cemented into their ears, and would either flat out ignore my instructions, or more likely begin to get combative when asked to take part in the day’s planned learning activities.

Luckily, I am immune to any sort of demeaning verbal abuse, and I actually began to enjoy being addressed as “b*tch *ss teacher,” “white motherf*ck*ng cracker,” or an assortment of other terms of endearment that the ever-so creative students bequeathed upon me. Anyways, eventually more students would begin to arrive, and some 30 minutes after the bell rang, hopefully about 50 percent of the students would have found their way to the classroom. It was rare to have more than 50 percent. Many students found it much more enjoyable to wander through the halls, smoke marijuana in the stairwells, and possibly get laid while they were at it. As the day rolled on, the students would become much more energetic. Maybe it had something to do with their buzz wearing off. Just a little prior to their taxpayer-provided lunch, the fights would begin to break out among the pupils.......more........

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