Saturday, August 6, 2022

i ain't one who follows particular politicians but this one seems to be more in favor of citizens and less in favor of corrupt special interests, though that conclusion ain't the result of in depth study. this removal of a soros tool is great;

“Our government is a government of
laws, not a government of men. And
what that means is that we govern
ourselves based on a constitutional
system and based on the rule of law.”
There is perhaps no greater executive initiative that Gov. Ron DeSantis has ever taken than the recent suspension of Hillsborough County’s utterly corrupt State Attorney Andrew Warren.
DeSantis Suspends Corrupt State’s Attorney Andrew Warren
for Pursuing His Own Woke Agenda (Video)

Warren is yet another rogue Soros-funded prosecutor whose primary purpose is to transform Tampa, Florida into a dystopian, crime-infested, post-apocalyptic wasteland.

After all, the destruction of America’s cities is the pivotal piece of a patently treasonous strategy around which the Democrat Party’s agenda of Cultural Marxism revolves.

First, the Democrats systematically destroy (politically, socially and economically) the major metropolitan areas in a targeted state; then they fan out across that state enacting the same devastating policies and unconstitutional laws at the local level.  In this way, ultra-liberal politicians are planted across the state, by funding from George Soros’ subversive foundations, who then radically liberalize all rules and regulation within the taken-over jurisdictions which advance their cataclysmic cultural marxist agenda........more.........

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