Sunday, January 23, 2022

 i've got a book titled: the plot to seize the whitehouse. this article speaks of one i don't know but the meat of the history is true. smedley butler wrote a book called: war is a racket. he was a marine major general who won the medal of honor twice. he was approached by 'business' leaders to lead a coup but refused. congress heard his testimony and it was never spoken of again as if it never happened. that might lead a smart person to realize that even in the thirties we were ruled by a criminal gang;

The consternation had been growing in the months between Franklin D. Roosevelt’s election and his inauguration, but his elimination of the gold standard in April 1933 infuriated some of the country’s wealthiest men.

Titans of banking and business worried that if U.S. currency wasn’t backed by gold, inflation could skyrocket and make their millions worthless. Why, they could end up as poor as most everyone else was during the Great Depression.

So, according to the sworn congressional testimony of a retired general, they decided to overthrow the government and install a dictator who was more business friendly. After all, they reasoned, that had been working well in Italy.

How close this fascist cabal got, and who exactly was in on it, are still subjects of historical debate. But as the dust settles after the pro-Trump attack on the U.S. Capitol, and as it becomes clearer how close lawmakers came to catastrophe, the similarities to the Business Plot are hard to and watch more.......

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