Friday, January 28, 2022

 the empire is insane;

Opinion Article by John Linnemeier

According to a recent international Gallup poll, the United States is overwhelmingly considered the greatest threat to world peace, with Pakistan, China, North Korea, Israel and Iran (in that order) trailing distantly behind.

The Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam wars cost trillions of dollars and killed millions of people (mostly civilians). We now regret starting them, and never would have if we’d had a basic understanding of the situation we were getting into.

We’re about to embark on a new war with Russia, a far more formidable foe. Full-scale nuclear conflagration isn’t inconceivable. Those who underrate the possibility of nuclear apocalypse haven’t looked carefully at the numerous times we’ve come close in the past.

Consider the Russians’ point of view. Since the hopeful days of Perestroika and Glasnost, they’ve seen a nuclear-armed NATO expand right up to their borders. Does anyone remember how the U.S. reacted to nuclear missiles 70 miles from our coast? Can we blame them for feeling threatened? Russia has demanded a guarantee that Ukraine not become a member of NATO. American negotiators call that non-negotiable.

We’re teetering on the edge of unimaginable horror. Why aren’t Americans who yearn for a peaceful world speaking out? Why aren’t you?

John Linnemeier, Bloomington.......

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