Monday, August 2, 2021

two in a row here. the first being the kunstler just presented and now video rebel returns with what might be called equally promising thoughts and information on our hoped for collapse of the criminals though they frequently manage to pull their crimes off but not without witnesses so hope still rises;

 There has been a revolt against mRNA injections and we are near the point of victory. Israel has vaccinated a higher percentage of their people than any other nation even though the Palestinians are refusing to be vaxxed.  Israel is not giving their Jewish population blank vaccines. They have had lots of young men experience myocarditis soon after being vaxxed by Pfizer. Israel will be the first nation in the world to give their people the third Pfizer injection. They will begin vaxxing everyone 60 and over. It seems that the human body stops producing those dangerous spike protein after 6 months which is about how long the “alleged protection against covid” lasts.

The world has seen massive anti-vaxx and anti-lockdown demonstrations in recent days, ever since we learned that covid was “enhanced in the Wuhan lab with NIH money sent by Fauci.”  Israel has decided to lockdown the unvaxxed. This has two worldwide implications. One is for the young against the old. Youths see no reason why they should take a risky experimental injection that has maimed and killed many young and healthy people when there is little risk of death for a healthy person under 50 taking vitamin D-3 sufficient to get their blood levels to 60 nanograms per ml.

People in Israel are being maimed by the Pfizer jab. I explained this to a Jewish couple I know locally. The leadership in Silicon Valley believes that consciousness from a human mind will soon enough be uploaded onto a computer. The Tech Elite believe they will become immortal living forever inside computers on networks and over the Internet. So it does not matter to them what happens to either Jewish or Gentile human bodies. These people are clearly insane and do not even know what consciousness more.......

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