Friday, August 6, 2021

 pcr presents the case that the empire is on its last legs and its only a matter of time till you hear a loud noise in the middle of the night indicating the final collapse has arrived;

America R.I.P.

Paul Craig Roberts

Mark Twain, once a celebrated American Author, now cast into the Memory Hole as the author of “racist” Huckleberry Finn, opposed American hegemony and warned Americans, usually a useless and unprofitable task, that Washington’s lust for conquest would destroy the American republic. He wrote that Washington’s “trampling upon the helpless abroad” would teach Americans, “by a natural process, to endure with apathy the same treatment at home.” Americans who had applauded the crushing of other people’s liberties would live to suffer  the same fate.

The problem with Americans is that they only learn of their peril when it is too late to do anything about it. America, like Humpty Dumpty, has fallen off the wall, and it will take more than all the king’s men to put America back together again. 

Indeed, it would take massive violence against those multitudes whose propagandistic lies have destroyed the belief of so many  Americans in their country. The widespread teachings in taxpayer-financed American public schools and universities, and in racial sensitivity training in American corporations and US military present the picture of the white American as the greatest threat our country faces.  Seldom do those cast as the villain win.

Today it is a lie to call America “the United States.”  The country is the Disunited States.  The  blue states are one people. The red states another.  The blue states politically assassinated the President elected by the red states.  The blue states are now trying to imprison the former president  and 535 of his supporters who rallied for him on January 6. Trump supporters are called “insurrectionists” and “domestic extremists.”  The Biden idiot in the Oval Office calls this “Unifying the country.” more.......

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