Wednesday, July 28, 2021

 the video rebel has yet to show me any errors in his blogging, and this one is quite accurate from what my degree, close to a nutritional degree, provides. i don't eat any of the items he mentions whenever i'm aware of their presence, so i choose, for example, olive oil and peanut oil which not the best, aren't the worst;

Mexicans have a low opinion of their politicians but it seems the President of Mexico cares more for the health of his citizens than does Joe Biden or a majority of the Democrats  and Republicans in the House and Senate. Mexican President  Andrés Manuel López Obrador, recently called for Mexican farmers to stop using the herbicide glyphosate by 2024. He also made a surprising final decree at the end of 2020 to phase out Genetically Engineered corn.

Glyphosate is not just an herbicide used to kill weeds. It is sprayed on wheat to kill it so the entire crop can be harvested on the same day. This is sort of inconvenient for those of us who get cancer. But it is good news for Big Pharma because cancer is a cornerstone their business.

As for genetically engineered corn, mice won’t eat it if they have a choice between GMO and an heirloom variety. If mice aren’t stupid enough to eat it, maybe our politicians should do more to protect our health by learning from Mexico and banning it.

I warned my readers of GMO and glyphosate years ago: 10% of all teenagers already have a rare liver disease. How many will have that disease in another 10 years? in 20 years? This is according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). The disease is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, or NAFLD; It can lead to diabetes, hepatitis, cancer, and cirrhosis. A diseased liver affects the body’s ability to digest food, metabolize hormones, regulate blood sugar, It is most likely cause by GMO High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). It delivers a high dose of sugar in one dose unlike fruit which takes awhile to metabolize and is therefore delivered more slowly. It also is delivering the pesticide associated with  the GMO corn more......

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