we're ruled by madmen and fools which becomes more obvious when you ignore the crap masquerading as 'news' and realize some of what pcr presents in this run of 'ukraine/russia' current events;
UPDATE: Martyanov has answered, and it is a scary answer:
“Russia and the United States today are in irreconcilable positions and no dialogue is possible with current US ‘elites’ for a variety of geopolitical, economic, historic and, importantly, moral-ethical reasons.”
Washington’s Follies Are Dangerous to Us and to the World
It is 1939 all over again
Paul Craig Roberts
A country without a media is lost to the follies of its government, and that is precisely the position of America today. In the nuclear era, the entire world is at the mercy of Washington’s follies. At the present moment the incompetent fools that an insouciant American public permits to rule them are preparing nuclear Armageddon by placing offensive missiles on Russia’s border.
By using their media whores to brand President Trump a “Putin stooge” and “Russian agent,” the military/security complex managed to force President Trump to accept the demise ot the stabilizing INF Treaty.
Having got rid of the Treaty, Washington is now talking about putting missiles on Russia’s border. The only purpose of such missiles is to enable a first strike. In other words, the Kremlin sees the missiles as a prelude to an American first strike..........read more......
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