the local electronic fishwrap allows me one letter to the editor every two months and here's the latest one i've been allowed to have them post;
Dear Editor,
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October, 2001.
Conspiracy theory is another term for critical thinking though it isn’t intended to be by those who use it. When government questions citizens about suspicious activity it’s called investigation. When you question government it’s called conspiracy theory. We’ve been trained not to question government and ‘our free press’ reinforces this conditioning. “Confirmation bias” is a psychological behavior where individuals disregard any information which conflicts with their beliefs.
If it was unpatriotic to question government, we’d still be an English colony.
People have been educated just enough to believe what they’re taught but not enough to question. Operation mockingbird was/is a CIA operation to spread disinformation throughout ‘our free press’. CIA director Colby testified before congress that this was ongoing.
Tech companies are deeply connected to American intelligence agencies, as are the NY Times, CNN, NBC, etc. They’re part of the CIA program, Operation Mockingbird, to control, use, and infiltrate the media. Only the naïve would think that such a program doesn’t exist today. Manipulation works if you don’t realize it’s being done. This mass propaganda effort is treated like a conspiracy theory when it should be the central issue.
Long term brainwashing, exposure to ‘our free press’, turns people into an obedient herd; those who hold “deviant” opinions conclude that keeping their heads down is a reasonable survival strategy. The concept of “Manufacturing Consent”, advanced by Noam Chomsky, is obvious. ‘Our free press’ seeks to not only manufacture your consent, but also your relationship to reality. They don’t just want you to accept their ideological zealotry; they want you to believe that their way is the ONLY way: an example would be the ridiculous exaggerations of racism in America as if nothing has changed since the days of Jim more.......
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