Saturday, April 10, 2021

 all around we're presented with evidence that the whole covid scene is being designed for purposes that match the desires of the davos crowd and mr peters in this article provides a lot of evidence that what the tv is telling you, ain't so;

The people who weaponized hypochondria are bringing back their most effective weapon toward the perpetuation of mass hypochondria:

The Cases! The Cases!

Now, the new “cases”  . . . of the “UK variant,” which have been “detected” in every state (more here).  These are being touted as aggressively as the prior, generic “cases” – probably because there are fewer of those to tout, especially in the case of Texas and Mississippi, where “case” counts having been going down going on a month since the ending of most variants of Sickness Kabuki, including the “mandated” wearing by the healthy of Face Diapers to “stop the spread” of a sickness they haven’t got  . . . ostensibly to salve the fears of weaponized hypochondriacs who dread that they may.  

In fact, to maintain the fear visual – the compliance ritual. Can’t let up on that.


Enter the “UK variant” – and the rising number of “cases” of that.

This will spread to every state. Not sickness but the psychosis thereof. It is meant to maintain Diaper Mania and – more important – Needling Mania. If the “cases” are up, then freedom has to be kept and watch more.......

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