Wednesday, April 22, 2020

your tv, purveyor of mass illusions, tells you things that ain't so, and here you can discover what some of the lies are and what some of the truths are, but you won't like to know how you've been fooled;

Pulling the sleeve down to hide the tracks doesn't mean the addict is cured.
Just for a change of pace, can we be bluntly honest about the U.S. economy? It's difficult to do because we've chosen to ignore all the realities, much like a family that hides all the addictions, drunkenness and lies in a dysfunctional household to maintain the outward illusion of a happy functioning family.
It's extraordinarily costly to maintain such a demanding masquerade. The psychological toll is immense, and the financial ruin that's always threatening to collapse the flimsy facade feeds the most destructive coping strategies.
Please don't claim that Daddy and Mommy aren't really addicts, addicted to lies, cheating and stealing to fund their corruption and maintain the absurdly threadbare happy-story mask of normalcy.
Being honest is painful but freeing. Once all the ugliness is exposed to sunlight, then healing becomes possible. As long as reality is cloaked, hidden, explained away, etc., the destruction only deepens until complete collapse of the masquerade is the only possible outcome.
We've reached that point: we can no longer deny the U.S. economy is little more than a grab-bag of skims, scams, fraud and corruption. Even if Covid-19 vanished from the Earth tomorrow, or the entire economy opened tomorrow, the collapsing of the fraud bubble cannot be reversed, any more than the addict can be "cured" with some makeup to mask the devastation and clean clothing to hide all the more.........

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