Tuesday, April 21, 2020

the videorebel always has great information and this time is no exception. i suggest you read all of what this individual has posted this time about the oklahoma city bombing and more;

On April 19, 1995 there was an explosion in front of the Alfred P Murrah building that killed 168 people including 19 children in the daycare center.  The seismic record indicated two bombs and not one. It was said that there were 4 barrels of ammonium nitrate in a fertilizer bomb. That grew to 5,000 pounds and then to 7,000 pounds to explain the bomb damage. The original helicopter news coverage said the bomb results showed the building being blown from the inside. And there was bomb debris blown past the Ryder truck that Timothy McVeigh was said to have used to deliver the bomb. Later that day as federal officials took over, the local news said the videos showed the building being blown from the outside.
A documentary was made of the OKC bombing but Google’s YouTube scrubbed it. It is freely available at Bitchute. But to date only 585 people have seen it.
In 1970 as part of a Vietnam war protest a math building at the University of Wisconsin was attacked by a 2,000 pound ammonium nitrate bomb. Unlike the OKC bomb it did no damage to the structure of the building apart from the windows. The signature of an ANFO bomb is ammonia gas and nitrous oxide.The math building was opened up again the next day but people in the immediate vicinity had to be treated for exposure. Nobody at OKC was exposed to ammonia gas. Nobody wore gas masks so there was no ANFO bomb at Oklahoma City.
McVeigh was seen exiting the Ryder truck less than a minute before the explosion. The woman lost her leg from the blast but she was not called as a witness. Why? She said she saw McVeigh exit the truck followed 15 or 20 seconds later by another man. Then the bombs exploded and she lost her leg.   The government decided not to confuse the public with the truth about others involved  in the bombing, especially federal agents.
The ATF agents were seen outside the building seemingly waiting for the bomb to explode.
The crater made by the Ryder truck bomb was much smaller than government experts testified to at trial...........read more...........

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