Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Announcing some air strikes, President Bush said, “We’re a peaceful nation.” This in a land where girls are boys, boys are girls and war is peace. Hypocrisy is often ignorant, but mostly it’s just self-serving. Peace is when the business interests of the West aren’t threatened, even if tens of millions of humans vanish in the process. Peace is when the Empire, unopposed, controls the world, politically, economically, ideologically and ‘culturally’. “War” is when there is rebellion. War is  when the people of plundered countries say “No”. War is when they refuse to be raped, robbed, indoctrinated and murdered: “peace” is synonymous with total, unconditional submission. Anything else is war or could lead to war. We have war because we’re ruled by an elite group of psychopaths who own the banks that control government and media. The fund both sides of war for profit manufacturing public consent thru media owned by the power elite and their propaganda.

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