Wednesday, December 4, 2024

 its big enough that you probably haven't associated it all yet but its the perfect trajectory for the motherwefers. europe in collapse will produce the climate numbers that the schwabbies are aiming for, and have been speaking about as if it will save the planet from a bogie man;

Hans Vogel dismantles the European Union’s pretense of democracy, condemning its bureaucratic incompetence, economic decay, and the authoritarian grip of its delusional elite, who accelerate the EU’s collapse while silencing dissent.

The European Union has twenty-seven member-states, a population of 450 million and a gross national product of over eighteen trillion dollars. Somehow, the EU ruling elite basks in the conviction that what they like to call “Europe” is a democracy. This in itself gives them sufficient grounds for feeling superior.

Purely on paper, those EU statistics seem quite impressive. Only the US has a bigger GDP while China’s (with a population three times as big as the EU’s) is about as big as that of the EU. Hence the EU seems both economically impressive and rich. Actually, that might be why so many “Eurocrats” seem so satisfied with everything European, which in their minds is the same as the EU. It is always useful to bear in mind that Europe is quite a lot bigger than the EU. It comprises the Russian Federation west of the Ural Mountains, the Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, England, Scotland and Wales, Norway, and to be honest, Turkey as well. Thus, almost 300 million Europeans remain outside the EU.

Whereas as recently as three decades ago, EU member states such as Germany, Italy and France were considered economic powerhouses, based on solid agriculture and superb manufacturing industry, these are now in full collapse. Spain and Poland have joined the ranks of important industrial nations, but nowhere except in Germany (31%) does manufacturing account for more than about a quarter of GDP. It means that in actual fact, EU GDPs are quite a bit smaller, because much is made up by statistical manipulation. Most individual EU GDPs seem impressive due to parasitical government “income” (taxes and other forms of extortion) and expenditures. All decisions in this realm are made by the people who govern the EU and its member states, who seem intent on bringing about a total economic, social and cultural suicide. It is “the planet” that these people want to save, rather than the populations over which they are ruling.........more.......

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