Sunday, October 6, 2024


HOW can a country be



Of  dollars IN AID TO Other Countries

a list i found but i'd also include a solar electric system and stored food on site as well; 

Things that helped me survive Helene:

A gas car

A gas stove

A gas hot water heater

A gas chainsaw


Things that are/were useless during Helene:

Electric cars

Electric appliances

Debit cards

The city bus

The government


My tax dollars in Ukraine









 more hurricane and elon stuff here;

Welcome to The Gateway Pundit’s Week-in-Review with Elijah Schaffer, where he covers the top 5 stories throughout the week in around 10 minutes.

ARTICLE 1: “My Blood is Boiling”: Furious Elon Musk Goes Off on FEMA for Blocking SpaceX Engineers from Assisting — FEMA Actively Seizing Shipments and Blocking Critical Goods and Services .......see..........



the hildabeest just confirmed what we've been saying for a very long time; 

Twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton said the quiet part out loud during an appearance on CNN on Saturday.

Hillary Clinton appeared on CNN to discuss social media regulations.

Clinton said social media platforms must censor content or else “we lose total control.”

“We should be in view repealing something called Section 230 which gave platforms on the internet immunity because they were thought to be just pass-throughs that they shouldn’t be judged for the content that is posted. But we now know that is an overly simple view that if the platforms whether it is Facebook or Twitter/X or Instagram or TikTok or whatever they are. If they don’t moderate and monitor the content, we lose total control,” Hillary Clinton said.

Clinton said phones should be taken out of schools.

“We’ve conducted a big experiment on ourselves and particularly our kids and I think the evidence is in,” she said. “We’ve got to do more, take phones out of schools. I’m so happy to see schools beginning to do that where kids turn their phone in when they walk in the door.”


 larry johnson with updates on our various emergencies in the world;

Too much has been made of my disagreement with Professor Doctorow regarding who is calling the shots in Israel’s war against the Palestinians. Doctorow believes that the United States is the puppet master and that Israel is dutifully following orders as part of some grand U.S. strategy. I disagree. While there is no doubt that the U.S. is trying to execute a crazy strategy, one born of neocon fantasies, to re-make the Middle East into a Jeffersonian democracy, the notion that Israel is a pliant, obedient proxy is nonsense. Israel is going to do what it thinks it can get away with, and to hell with what Biden wants.

I think Doctorow and I both agree that the US can put an end to slaughter of Palestinians in a heartbeat by cutting off funding and supply of weapons. But the Biden team ain’t going to do that. There is too much Israeli and Jewish money behind them to put that at risk.

Let me offer a metaphor. I have a couple of Rottweilers. Wonderful dogs. The Rottie is a strong-willed creature who will do what he or she wants unless properly trained and controlled. Let me suggest that the US is a clueless, weak owner and that Israel is an undisciplined Rottie. A trained Rottie, when put on the leash, will walk with its owner and obey commands. An undisciplined Rottie can be a nightmare.............more.......

 fema ain't your friend;



 the official gaza death tole is way low;

The healthcare workers said, despite Israeli claims, none of them saw any militant activity at hospitals in Gaza

Ninety-nine American healthcare workers who volunteered in Gaza over the past year published an open letter to President Biden and Vice President Harris on Thursday that detailed the horrors they witnessed and called for an end to US military support for Israel.

The healthcare workers said they believe the true death toll in Gaza is much higher than what Gaza’s Health Ministry is reporting, estimating it to be over 118,908.

“This letter and the appendix show probative evidence that the human toll in Gaza since October is far higher than is understood in the United States,” the letter reads. “It is likely that the death toll from this conflict is already greater than 118,908, an astonishing 5.4% of Gaza’s population.”

The latest numbers from Gaza’s Health Ministry put the number of Palestinians killed by Israel in Gaza since October 7, 2023, at 41,788. The ministry’s figures only count the bodies that are brought to hospitals and morgues and don’t account for people missing and presumed dead under the rubble.

The American healthcare workers said that everyone in Gaza is either sick, injured, or both. “With only marginal exceptions, everyone in Gaza is sick, injured, or both. This includes every national aid worker, every international volunteer, and probably every Israeli hostage: every man, woman, and child,” the letter says.........more......

i guess you know by now that we had a hurricane in the mountains; 

There is a heart-wrenching story developing in the mountans and hills of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, a story that is not being told in the mainstream corporate media.

Stories of starving, dehydrated people being left to die. And bodies, lots of bodies, washing up in rural areas, many of them unrecognizable.

One such story comes from Nate and Katie Kramer, a husband and wife in Parrotsville, Tennessee (Cocke County), just east of Newport, Tennessee, located roughly midway between Knoxville, Tennessee, and Asheville, North Carolina. This area was inundated with 20-plus inches of rain pouring over a dammed up river compliments of Hurricane Helene.

Nate Kramer related in a YouTube video his heartbreaking experience of finding a body Tuesday that had washed up on the couple’s small farming homestead.............more..........

 i can't say anything nice about israel, so i won't try. the iran angle is getting quite curious;

Iran will simultaneously destroy all of Israel’s energy facilities if the regime attempts any new aggression against Iran, warns IRGC’s deputy-in-command. 

General Ali Fadavi told the Lebanese television channel Al-Mayadeen on Friday that the Israeli regime will risk its existence if it attacks Iran.

“If the occupying entity makes a mistake, we will target all its energy resources, power plants, refineries, and gas fields.”

He pointed out that Iran is a large and vast country with many economic centers, while Israel has only three power stations and several refineries.

“We can strike them all at once,” the general asserted.

Iran launched Operation True Promise II late Tuesday in response to the Israeli assassination of late Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran in April and also the assassination of late Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah along with Iranian military advisor, Brigadier General Abbas Nilforoushan in September.

Iran fired around 200 ballistic missiles at Israel during that operation, saying 90 percent of them hit their targets.......more.........

 the feds aren't your friends;

Social media is abuzz with reports that the Biden regime is working against the people of Appalachia when it comes to victims of Hurricane Helene receiving donations and supplies for recovery.

An individual named Alicia Schubert told a story on Facebook about how the aid that recently arrived from the Red Cross and FEMA was confiscated by the Biden regime, preventing it from being distributed to people in need.

“Starting with Davy Crockett High School, they are taking over all volunteer schools in Washington County and Greene County,” Schubert claimed in a post about the situation in eastern Tennessee.

“In order for anyone to get donations that were given, they must be approved. All monetary donations have been taken as well and placed into a TEMA account. If you are unaware of how that works, those items don’t all get used for this particular disaster.”

Schubert says that volunteers who arrived to the damaged areas are being turned away and told to leave. The only ones who are allowed to stay are those who first get trained by United Way, she says......more......

 it seems that the federalies are obstructing just about everyone from their path if unauthorized by themselves;

Generally speaking, Day #8 follows a recovery psychology filled with determination provided by the key focus on fellowship.  Many impacted families cut-off from their traditional supply resources are now finding hope amid strangers, angels and a very focused group of recovery workers.

Unfortunately, there are multiple reports of scant federal assistance now becoming excessive federal interference.  Many people now reporting that the Federal Emergency Management Agency or FEMA is actively blocking efforts to deliver critical supplies.

Several people have asked me if I have ever experienced FEMA stopping me from my personal efforts to deliver supplies or blocked my transit into some of the most devastated areas during emergency response. The answer is no, I never have; however, the team I work with has never asked for permission.  That said, I do not doubt the reports.

Elon Musk has reported that people working on his relief missions have been blocked from rescue flights in the region.  Apparently, FEMA is trying to intercept “unapproved” transit by air, mostly helicopters, under the auspices of FAA flight authority...........more......

under self inflicted/invited attacks from the edges it gets difficult for a poor empire to survive;

 Is the United States enduring a “Quiet Coup”? Economist Peter St. Onge:

In the wake of the 2008 Financial Crisis, former chief economist of the IMF Simon Johnson warned that the same dysfunctional policies he saw in his basket-case banana republics had taken hold in the United States.

Johnson warned that if America didn’t act fast, we would plunge into a “Quiet Coup” as the American financial system effectively captures the government, bailing itself out until we run out of money.

The United States did not “act fast.” It did not act whatsoever. The result?

The subversives of the American financial system have seized the commanding heights.

Much of the financial and governmental apparatus is in their grasping hands.

The Triumph of Financialization

As Mr. St. Onge reminds us: Between 1973 and 1985, the United States’ financial sector never exceeded 16% of the domestic corporate product.

Yet by the early 2000s? The United States’ financial sector was spitting out 41% of the domestic corporate product.

Meantime, the United States financial industry represented some 10% of the gross domestic product in 1970.

By 2010 the financial system ballooned to 20% of the gross domestic product… inflated and levitated by the Federal Reserve’s false helium.

The Origins of the Quiet Coup........more.........

 the moon is speaking of action but also inaction here;

After being hit by some 200 Iranian missiles Israel has not yet dared to response to to the strike. It instead has launched new air attacks into the center of Beirut and its southern area known as Dahiyeh (which simply means suburb) with its predominantly Shia population.

Israel seems to have forgotten what attacks on Dahiyeh mean:

Hizbullah asserts that it has established a new deterrence equation: an Israeli attack on the al-Dahieh neighborhood in Beirut will be met with a retaliatory strike on Tel Aviv.

According to Hizbullah, the new equation established by Hassan Nasrallah is that any attack on Tel Aviv will be the response to Israeli actions taken in the al-Dahieh district in Beirut.

Hizbullah’s new leadership will certainly adhere to that doctrine.

That Hizbullah has not been degraded by Israel’s strikes at is leadership could be seen by yesterday’s incursion attempts by the Israeli army into south Lebanon. Its special forces was immediately ambushed by Hizbullah forces. Eight of its soldiers were killed and many more wounded. Additional casualties were reported today.

Israel is now tempted to risk an all out war with Iran. There is little chance that such a war would achieve anything but an all out war in the Middle East, a rapid increase in oil prices and a severe hit on the Democratic chances in the ongoing election campaign.

Iran, who’s ballistic missiles had no problems in passing Israels air defenses, has threatened an all out attack on Israel’s infrastructure – electricity and gas installations as well as harbors – should Israel attempt to take revenge against Iran...........more......

U.S. media still spreading the myth that the Biden administration is trying to hold back Israel.

The Washington Post for example headlines:

 pcr presents lots of clear evidence supporting putin and denigrating the empire and its foolishness;

At This Time in the World There Is Only One Important Decision Waiting to be Made

Paul Craig Roberts

Except for the neoconservatives whose agenda it is, I sometimes wonder if I am the only other person who understands what the Ukraine conflict is about. While we await Washington’s decision about firing missiles into Russia, I will explain how we reached the current crisis.

In 2007 Washington declared war on Russia without announcing it. Putin provoked Washington’s secret declaration of war when he rejected Washington’s uni-polar hegemony at the Munich Security Conference.

Washington’s first attack was a year later when, while Putin was distracted at the Beijing Olympics, Washington sent a US trained and equipped Georgian army into South Ossetia. The purpose was not to defeat Russia militarily. Instead, it was a calculated risk that Putin might stand down and to avoid a military conflict that the West could misrepresent as restoring the Soviet Empire, and allow the Russian protectorate to be absorbed into Georgia. The American neoconservatives were gambling with lives not their own that Putin and thereby Russia would be weakened by giving in, thus opening more paths of aggression against Russia.

The neoconservatives’ plot against Putin might have worked except the Georgian invaders killed Russian peace-keepers. In 2008 Putin was trying to resurrect Russian pride, which was lost with the Soviet collapse 1991, and could not turn his back on dead Russian soldiers in South Ossetia. He returned from China, sent in an army, and smashed the US trained and equipped Georgian army in 5 days.

All of Georgia, a province of the Soviet Union until 1991, was in Putin’s hands. The Western propaganda is that Putin is dangerous because he intends to recover the Soviet empire. Obviously, this is a lie, because Putin pulled the Russian army out and left Georgia an independent state..........more........

 since its october kunstler is talking about october surprises in this friday edition;

“Normally, Western politics gives us actors who are trying to play the role of politicians. Walz is like an actor who is trying to play the role of an actor trying to play the role of a politician. Almost everything about him is just a few degrees off-centre. He’s like what would happen if you endowed Chat GPT with a human body and sent it off to campaign for political office.” —Eugyppius on Substack

     Tuesday night’s veep palaver could be the last time you see the frightened animal known as Tim Walz for the duration of the campaign. He’s famous for his wild body language — jumping around on stage, flapping his arms — but this time the action was all concentrated in his face. You saw his eyes bug out, dart left and right, as if something fierce was coming at him (it was), and more than a few times, his head jerked around sideways so hard you wondered if it might do a whole three-sixty. His mouth, a pain-inflected frown in repose, turned down so deeply it looked like he had sashweights hanging from the corners. Altogether, his face said more than the embarrassing mishmash of mangled English that came out of it. I expect to see a few Tim Walz masks on the little goblins begging for Kit-kat bars the night of October 31.........more......

 the video rebel returns with more of what that individual does well;

Nassim Taleb recently wrote of de-dollarization on twitter. I believe that the Black Swan event we have been waiting for is the simultaneous humiliation of the US military on multiple fronts causing a sudden and catastrophic collapse of the dollar. The Good News is that the Liberal Establishment that has been bleeding us dry for decades might also die.

We ought not to think of Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, the War on Terror and NATO’s project in the Ukraine as separate events but as just different phases of One Unwinnable Forever War. When I was in high school, I asked how real the Cold War could be if both sides had the same Bankers, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds? If the Bankers own your government, then think of war as a means to make them richer and you poorer.  Of course, tens of millions of us had to die to make the whole thing seem real on the TV.

To understand government in Europe, the UK, Canada, the US, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, you must learn to think like a Banker. He sees you as a means to enrich himself. He knows that the purpose of the government he owns is to make himself richer and to keep you in your place.

Dr Mark Skidmore has found from government sources that $17 trillion went missing from the DOD (Dept of Defense) and HUD (Housing and Urban Development) from 1998 to 2015. I have pointed out before that the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) revealed total military spending is really $1.51 trillion when we add in spending from 6 other agencies. For example, nuclear weapons are often paid for by the Dept of Energy........more......

 yeah for 'our' government in all of its wonderfulness;

October 4th, 2024

Via: New York Post:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas set off outrage Wednesday when he told reporters that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) “does not have the funds” to see Americans through the rest of this Atlantic hurricane season — after the agency spent more than $1.4 billion since the fall of 2022 to address the migrant crisis.

“We are meeting the immediate needs with the money that we have,” Mayorkas said during a press gaggle on Air Force One en route to tour damage from Hurricane Helene in South and North Carolina.

“We are expecting another hurricane hitting,” he added. “We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season and what — what is imminent.”

Critics pointed out that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) allocated $640.9 million this year in FEMA-administered funds to aid state and local governments coping with the influx of asylum seekers — though Mayorkas’ office fired back late Thursday, insisting that those funds couldn’t be used for hurricane relief because Congress authorized them specifically for the migrant crisis.......

 child  trafficking, government style;

CIA Contractor Confronted While Moving Children at 5 a.m. We confronted the CIA contractor MVM while they were moving alien children from McAllen, Texas. Watch the documentary quoted below to see first-hand accounts from children like these who have been trafficked in America.........more.......

 this could be classified in the i don't believe it category;

LAKE LURE, N.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) — For a split-second, it sounded like thunder. Both Mike and Susan Coffey were sitting in silence, trying to figure out what was happening outside their Lake Lure home as the winds and rain from Hurricane Helene hammered the North Carolina mountains.

RELATED: SC pilot flying rescue missions ordered out of Lake Lure

The Coffeys and their cat were the only two living beings inside their mountainside home that sits along the Broad River. ;


 hurricane in the mountains are different than on the coast;




 redacted tells you something i've been following for some time w/o conclusion so far. the feds are in control of weather. sounds crazy but the evidence keeps rolling in;


 nineteen minutes with redacted and colonel macgreggor you won't want to miss;


 forty seven minutes i haven't seen yet but this site is always good in content and delivery and the subject is close to my heart, in second place after wva. its been quite a show watching this stuff from inside so to speak;


 winston marshall has some interesting things to say about 'our' election choices;


Saturday, October 5, 2024

 its a curious thing the way recent hurricanes grow from seed to giant in a day. i've been sent a few of these haarp related weather events beyond the usual;

america stunned by alexa telling them the hurricane was created by cloud seeding.................more........

 In just the past one week, the Biden-Harris administration approved:

- $8.7 billion in military aid for Israel
- $8 billion in military aid for Ukraine
- $567 million in military support for Taiwan
And then very generously came out with this:
- $750 one time emergency assistance payment for American victims of Hurricane Helene.
This for Americans who have lost absolutely everything they ever had.

here we are on the leading edge of hurricane damage and i am sent this. we've seen no sign of any feds here, fema, in the area after eight days without power and our road out in precarious condition; 

If you are wondering why citizens are being turned away that are coming to help NC and TN - you'll want to hear my experience as someone who has been doing this as a private citizen for almost a decade. I was able to get into, and out of Asheville. We brought food, water, fuel and other supplies as well as helped people affected by the floods, but there are reasons why they are not allowing outside help. I cannot confirm the reasons why in NC, but i can tell you the reasons in other storms i have worked - i'll explain below. Let me share with you the first disaster area that i finally realized that this was all about money. In the FL Keys with Hurricane Irma, after Texas got hit with Harvey, we finished our efforts in Texas and were the first citizen team to make it to Key Largo. The federal agencies had US1 shut down just South of Key Largo and wouldn't let anyone in or out, even though the road was okay to pass. We explained to them that we had boats, Jet skis, food, water, chainsaws and fuel to bring these people. They didn't care and wouldn't let us in. .........more......