Thursday, May 6, 2021

 so far i've not seen this blogger be wrong and i've follow the video rebel for some time;

People talk of Civil War in America but one man made a speech at UCLA in 1967 that told us the two conditions that would take America from disturbances and turmoil to full blown revolution.

He had noted the anti-police activity of the Left in the 1960s which had the approval of the Elite from New York City. They wanted to destroy Law and Order to make way for a dictatorial rule by them. He saw phony conservatives of his day who campaigned for restoring Law and Order but never would do what it took to change anything. This continues today in the form of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.

In that speech at UCLA in 1967 that man made a prediction for the future that is taking place now that will set the tone for a revolution as soon as 2022 or shortly thereafter. The second element needed for revolution against the Powers That Be, the Bankers of New York City, is Hyperinflation.

He said in 1967 at UCLA that Hyperinflation would destroy the lives of everyone. They would be so angry that there would be no limits on what they would do to be made whole.  That speech was made by George Lincoln Rockwell.

Hint:The US debt to GDP ratio under Biden is worse than Greece’s in 2010 when it was bailed out by the IMF.

I have previously written an article entitled $200 Grocery Bill Soon To Become $12, more..........

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