Monday, July 15, 2019

i haven't had time to watch the video yet but this blogger always has prescient information, and i'm aware of most of what he says here about 'our' diet, which most doctors pay no attention to as few med schools even teach nutrition;

These notes are from the video below. 54% of all American children have chronic illnesses. That means we face societal collapse in 10 to 15 years when our children are supposed to enter the workforce and the military.
The key to correcting these illnesses is gut health through gluten and dairy free diets combined with an organic (non-toxic) diet. These children are so damaged that they might require digestive enzymes.
Helpful treatments to reduce inflammation would be intravenous detoxification, Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy (HBOT.) Intravenous (IV) nutrient therapy is a method of feeding vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oxygen, ozone, and UV light directly into the bloodstream. This process can effectively correct intracellular nutrient deficiencies since oral intake of such high doses is simply not possible due to absorption limitations from the digestive process. Patients can get up to 10 times the nutrients in one treatment as they could get orally.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is the only non-hormonal treatment approved by the FDA for biologically repairing and regenerating human tissue. It raises the oxygen level in problem areas to stimulate recovery.
Glyphosates cause cancer. They are mineral chelators. This means they rob your body of minerals. 60% of breast milk has glyphosates. This can harm the infant’s gut flora. The gut is 80% of your immune system..........

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